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This World We Must Leave - An Idea of Revolution

Pictures of the exhibition (starts automatically)

Press Release

Film script


The Archive

The non-realized revolutions, reflections over the use of revolutionary history.

Revolutionary events and concepts painted on the walls of the archive.

Inventory of the archive

Pictures of the archive without smoke (starts automatically)


Press (Danish)

Eskil Haldberg: Alt skal væk! (

Interview: Mikkel Bolt og Jakob Jakobsen by Karen Marie Fog (

Leve Revolutionen!, Agenda, Denmark's National Radio, programme 1, Saturday februar 26 2011 (



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Scene 1 - 3

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Guide DK, Guide UK

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Poster DK, Poster UK

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MIKKEL BOLT RASMUSSEN is an art historian and writer. He teaches at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Copenhagen University. He has published a number of books most recently Avantgardens selvmord (2009) and has published numerous articles on activism, the avant-garde, contemporary philosophy, the revolutionary tradition and totalitarianism in books and journals like Multitudes, Rethinking Marxism and Third Text. He is an editor of K&K and Øjeblikket and has edited several books including Totalitarian Art and Modernity (2010). Together with Jakob Jakobsen he has organised a series of seminars about Situationism, militancy and image politics in the People’s House in Copenhagen.

JAKOB JAKOBSEN is a politically engaged artist, teacher and activist. He ran the Copenhagen Free University from 2001 to 2007 (, cofounded the artist run TV station tv-tv in 2004, and has participated in exhibitions all over the world including at Wattis Institute, San Francisco; Stedhalle, Zürich; Insa Art Space, Seoul; Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore; Whitechapel Art Gallery, London; München Kunstverein, Munich; Wiener Secession, Vienna; Louisiana, Humlebæk, et al. In 2010 he made the exhibition Billed Politik at Overgaden - Institute of Contemporary Art in Copenhagen (




Århus Kunstbygning

19.11.2010 - 9.1.2011

Concept: Mikkel Bolt and Jakob Jakobsen

Director: Jakob Jakobsen
Script: Mikkel Bolt

Actors: Misja Thirslund Krenchel, Greta Jiménez, Bendt Ulrich Sørensen, Ellen Nyman, Jan Stricker

Cinematographer: Fredrik Sundbye
B-Cinematographer: Mads Hoppe
Sound: Kjetil Mørk
Music: Snöleoparden
Production: Maria Kristensen
Graphic design: Tina Helen and Jakob Jakobsen
Stage design: Raphael Solholm
Archive design: Thomas Bo Østergaard
Website: Jakob Jakobsen

Assistance: Henriette Heise, Andreas Johansen, Valdemar Silverstein Markussen

Snöleoparden musicians: Snö (hanhao), Henning Frimann (percussion, saw), Tais (guitar), Elisabetta (shakers, windpipe), Natacha (guitar), Hjalte (sound recording)

Thanks to The Camel Collective (Anthony Graves, Robert M. Ochshorn, Carla Herrera-Prats, Lasse Lau), Louis F. Jensen, Kim Borch, Nis Rømer, Solvej Heise, Dansk El-Forbund København, Red Rental and the employees at Århus Kunstbygning.